Our worst fears have been realised with news that the 95-metre industrial factory trawler the Dirk-Dirk (which has just arrived in Australia, now reflagged as the Geelong Star) has killed four dolphins and two seals on its first fishing trip in Australian waters.
Please sign the petition to stop this freezer-factory trawler causing unknown damage to our marine life and coastal fishing communities.
Unbelievably, the Abbott Government has welcomed this foreign factory trawler, despite huge opposition from recreational fishers, conservation groups, tourism businesses and local communities alike.
It’s the largest factory trawler to be fishing in Australia, and it’s already causing damage to our incredible marine life.
Massive freezer-factory trawlers represent the most extreme excesses of global over-fishing, wreaking ecological havoc in our oceans. We must not let them get a foot in the door.
In 2012 we stopped the Margiris, and we can do it again. Please sign the petition to protect our marine life, our fisheries and the future of our local fishing communities. http://saveourmarinelife.org.au/stop-the-trawler/