
Write a letter: Create a well-protected Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park

Australia’s Heard and McDonald Islands are among the most remote places on Earth, these globally significant, wild, volcanic islands lie 4,000km south-west of Perth down near Antarctica.  

Every 10-years the Australian government reviews the Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park. This gives us a once-in-a-decade opportunity to increase protection for this spectacular marine treasure. 

The Australian government has just kicked off this process by releasing its draft plan for Australia’s Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park, and they want to know what you think.
Once finalised, this plan will have a massive impact on the future of the fragile marine environment surrounding these islands and the millions of animals that live there. 

This is an incredibly important moment for our Southern Ocean wildlife. 
The draft plan is a good start, but important seafloor habitat and feeding grounds for wildlife like Antarctic fur seals, elephant seals, penguins, albatrosses, whales and fish are under-protected.  
We need your help to tell the government to create the strong protection our Sub-Antarctic marine life needs.

Can our penguins rely on you?

Image: King penguins on Heard Island, Matt Curnock

The draft plan

So why does the government’s draft Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park fall short? Well, the devil is in the detail.  

The amount of fully protected sanctuaries is good. But the problem is where the sanctuaries are placed.  

While the plan safeguards some important shelf habitat, it doesn’t adequately protect key conservation features, like undersea canyons, seamounts and the Williams Ridge. Science says these areas need protection because they have important seafloor habitat supporting feeding grounds for species like Antarctic fur seals, elephant seals, penguins, albatrosses and support a diversity of fish.

The Southern Ocean 

Across the Southern Ocean industrial fishing is expanding and, as fisheries elsewhere decline, the pressure to exploit our planet’s Southern Ocean resources is growing.

Simultaneously, climate change is affecting life across the Southern Ocean, with everything from krill and fish to penguins, seals and whales struggling to adapt. 

Creating marine sanctuaries will help give our marine life the best chance to adapt, survive, and thrive into the future. 

Read the submission text

You can use the form on the right to customise your submission.

I support the Government’s proposal to expand Australia’s Heard and McDonald Island Marine Park.

This is a positive step forward for the protection of the regions’ globally significant conservation values. I support the expansion of sanctuary (IUCN II) protection for the shelf habitat and a ban on mining and new damaging fisheries in the marine park.  

I am concerned that the park does not adequately protect key conservation features, such as undersea canyons, unique seamounts and the Williams Ridge. These areas have important seafloor habitats and support feeding grounds for species such as Antarctic fur seals, elephant seals, penguins, albatrosses and support a variety of fish.  

The government’s own science report and an independent science report acknowledged the importance of these areas and that there was currently inadequate protection for important seafloor habitat, foraging areas for albatross and macaroni penguins, and for areas supporting an abundance and variety of fish. It also highlighted the global significance of these waters and the threats posed by climate change, pollution, fishing and invasive species. This was also recognised by a recent independent study which recommended protection for 6 key conservation features – five of which are not adequately protected as part of the draft proclamation.    

I urge you to ensure the proposed expansion of the marine park increases fully protected marine sanctuaries (IUCN II) for key conservation features prioritising protection for the southern canyons and Williams Ridge including the seamounts.  

Please accept this as a submission to the draft proclamation for Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park and the Notice of Intent to Create the Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park Management Plan.   


First name Last name  

We need your help to ensure the Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park protects important seafloor habitat and feeding grounds for millions of penguins, seals and seabirds. 

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our offices stand and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.