Right now, there’s a handful of lobbyists walking around Parliament House in Canberra, making the Government nervous about saving our national network of sanctuaries, and they could do serious damage. They’re claiming people who fish don’t like marine sanctuaries. But that’s not true.
Sign the petition to say I fish and I support sanctuaries – to ensure we have fish for the future.
Every known scientific or government survey shows fishers support the highly protected sanctuaries within our marine parks. That’s because they protect our fish and our marine environment (meaning good fishing outside the sanctuary areas). It’s no wonder the fishing media say things about marine parks like: “Apart from being an incredible place to sight-see and holiday, the fishing on offer is second to none.”*
And there’s you! Thousands of Save our Marine Life supporters have told us how you enjoy catching a fish. How some of your happiest childhood memories are fishing with your grandparents. How you want to be sure things will be as good when you’re a grandparent too.
Big decisions are being made right now about whether to keep or cut back our sanctuaries. The Government needs to hear from you – from mum and dad fishers, from anyone who ever enjoys dropping a line. Sign the petition to say I fish and I support sanctuaries – to ensure we have fish for the future.
Our national network of sanctuaries remains suspended from operation, leaving our marine life and iconic Australian way of life vulnerable to industrial fishing expansion and Supertrawlers.
The Government is now so close to restoring our national network of sanctuaries. And this is largely thanks to our overwhelming and united community voice around Australia, including from the vast majority of people who fish.
We can’t let a handful of lobbyists undo everything we’ve worked for. Marine parks with sanctuaries create an excellent balance – protecting important feeding and breeding grounds, and good fishing.
Australia’s network of sanctuaries is based on decades of science, consultation and work by all sides of politics. Please sign the petition to say I fish and I support sanctuaries – to ensure we have a future full of fish.