Thanks to overwhelming community support around Australia, we kept our suspended sanctuaries in the spotlight and secured commitments from the main parties in the lead up to the election – an incredible achievement! Now it’s time to get the job done.
Australia has a new Environment Minister. Let’s make sure he hears loud and clear that Australians want our sanctuaries fully restored with no further delay. Sign the petition to Save Our Sanctuaries today:
The Turnbull Government has made a Budget commitment to get our National Network of Marine Parks on the water within 12 months. But we fear they will cut back crucial sanctuary protection, opening up iconic areas such as the Coral Sea, the Kimberley and the Great Australian Bight to oil or increased commercial fishing.
The new Minister must listen to the advice of Australia’s top scientists, the decades of work by both sides of politics, and the overwhelming community voice who want more protection, not less! Help send an ‘SOS’ to Save Our Sanctuaries by signing the petition today:
Thanks to your support and the voice of outraged businesses, divers, fishers and ocean lovers around Australia, we’ve got the Government commitment in place. Now we need to build on this huge momentum to keep them on track over these next crucial months – to end the uncertainty for local communities and businesses, and ensure our sanctuaries are fully restored.
Sanctuaries protect our marine life, help ensure fish for the future, and help reefs recover from coral bleaching. They are more important now than ever. Thousands of Australians worked together to create our National Network of Sanctuaries. Let’s make sure the Government hears that we’re not going anywhere until they are restored! Please send an SOS by signing the petition today!